
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Manzano Luis” ,找到相关结果约33286条。
Explanatory Models of Change of Consumer Behavior Applied to Social Marketing  [PDF]
Nayeli Manzano, Luis Rivas, George Bonilla
iBusiness (IB) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ib.2012.43031
Abstract: This work describes consumer behavior models that present sustainable empirical evidence on consumer behavior with social marketing applications given in the state of art. For this research, the most important and relevant databases were consulted in order to get to the frontier of knowledge. It analyzes model differences and their variables, and pre sents a comparison among the models. One of the most interesting findings is the description of the stages of evolution in the purchasing decisions and the identification of the inhibitors of each stage. Five models were founded and compered as a result of the analysis. The five phases of fair consumers’ behavior: Disinterest, Concern, Attitude, Action and commitment behavior will be discussed.
Los Estudios Latinoamericanos en los repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto en Europa
Luis Rodriguez Yunta,Tomás Manzano Fraile
Anuario Americanista Europeo , 2012,
Abstract: El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar un análisis sobre la presencia y visibilidad en repositorios abiertos de las instituciones representativas de los Estudios Latinoamericanos en Europa. En los últimos a os, el desarrollo del movimiento por el acceso abierto ha dado lugar a la puesta en marcha de repositorios institucionales en la mayor parte de las universidades y centros de investigación. Esto supone un nuevo recurso de información documental que facilita la difusión de las publicaciones a través de los buscadores y posibilita la captura automática de metadatos de las referencias bibliográficas para la creación de fuentes secundarias. Se realiza una exploración de estos repositorios a fin de comprobar la accesibilidad de la documentación, generada a través de las instituciones europeas que trabajan sobre América Latina, y valorar la viabilidad técnica y el interés como recurso de un sistema recolector de metadatos que aprovechase los repositorios institucionales como fuente bibliográfica.
Individual patient data meta-analysis of beta-blockers in heart failure: rationale and design
Kotecha Dipak,Manzano Luis,Altman Douglas G,Krum Henry
Systematic Reviews , 2013, DOI: 10.1186/2046-4053-2-7
Abstract: The Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure Collaborative Group (BB-HF) was formed to obtain and analyze individual patient data from the major randomized controlled trials of beta-blockers in heart failure. Even though beta-blockers are an established treatment for heart failure, uptake is still sub-optimal. Further, the balance of efficacy and safety remains uncertain for common groups including older persons, women, those with impaired renal function and diabetes. Our aim is to provide clinicians with a thorough and definitive evidence-based assessment of these agents. We have identified 11 large randomized trials of beta-blockers versus placebo in heart failure and plan to meta-analyze the data on an individual patient level. In total, these trials have enrolled 18,630 patients. Uniquely, the BB-HF group has secured access to the individual data for all of these trials, with the participation of key investigators and pharmaceutical companies. Our principal objectives include deriving an overall estimate of efficacy for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular hospitalization. Importantly, we propose a statistically-robust sub-group assessment according to age, gender, diabetes and other key factors; analyses which are only achievable using an individual patient data meta-analysis. Further, we aim to provide an assessment of economic benefit and develop a risk model for the prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure. This paper outlines inclusion criteria, search strategies, outcome measures and planned statistical analyses. Trial registration Clinical trial registration information: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00832442
Determination of Optimal Zones for Forest Plantations in the State of Mexico Using Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis and GIS  [PDF]
Noel Bonfilio Pineda Jaimes, Joaquín Bosque Sendra, Montserrat Gómez Delgado, Roberto Franco Plata, Xanat Antonio Némiga, Luis Ricardo Manzano Solís
Journal of Geographic Information System (JGIS) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/jgis.2012.43025
Abstract: This work aims to develop simulation models that allow locating adequate areas for forest plantations in the state of Mexico. It combines multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) techniques and geographic information systems (GIS) to analyze and simulate future scenarios for forest plantations under three major objectives: commercial production, restoration and protection, and agroforestry. Results demonstrate the potential of this method to integrate different variables of social, economic and environmental nature, and for solve some problems of forest activities and management by locating the most suitable areas for this forestal activity.
Hábitos alimentarios de Anoura geoffroyi (Chiroptera: phyllostomidae) en Ixtapan del Oro, Estado de México
Acta zoológica mexicana , 2009,
Abstract: Se describen los hábitos alimentarios del murciélago Anoura geoffroyi en la Selva Baja Caducifolia de Ixtapan del Oro, Estado de México, para ello se colectaron quincenalmente durante un a o muestras de residuos del pelaje y heces de 153 individuos. Se observó sólo granos de polen y restos de insectos en las muestras. Los morfotipos de polen encontrados corresponden a plantas que son frecuentadas por murciélagos nectarívoros, destaca por su frecuencia el género Ipomoea y se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Brugmansia candida, Stenocereus sp. y una especie de la familia Asteraceae en la dieta de A. geoffroyi. Las plantas determinadas por los tipos polínicos presentan características del síndrome quiropterofílico, sin embargo, también son polinizadas por mariposas nocturnas, por lo que considerando las adaptaciones morfológicas de A. geoffroyi para el consumo de néctar y que el 95% de los restos de insectos encontrados corresponden a lepidópteros, se podría catalogar a la especie en el sitio de estudio como un murciélago nectarívoro que presenta también la capacidad de alimentarse de lepidópteros asociados a las flores que frecuenta.
Principales aspectos clínicos y endoscópicos de la enfermedad degenerativa de la rodilla
Morasén Cuevas,José Ricardo; Calisté Manzano,Osvaldo; Vergés Callard,Luis;
MEDISAN , 2010,
Abstract: a descriptive and cross-sectional study with one-hundred patients having a diagnosis of degenerative knee arthropathy treated at the rheumatology service in ¨saturnino lora¨ university hospital from santiago de cuba was carried out between 2003 and 2007 in order to characterize them according to the main clinical and endoscopical aspects of this disorder. among the most important results, 60-year-old and over patients and female gender were relevant. gonarthrosis and condromalacy constituted the main endoscopical findings while curettage and articular wash-out, being the therapeutical alternatives most used, were predominant.
Use of non-absorbable polypropylene mesh for the treatment of spontaneous renal graft rupture
Vales-Albertos, Luis Jorge;Cueto-Manzano, Alfonso M.;Valdespino, Carlos;Gómez, Benjamín;
Revista de investigación clínica , 2006,
Abstract: renal graft rupture (rgr) is a life-threatening complication of kidney transplantation (kt), frequently associated with rejection and acute tubular necrosis. rgr repair with the use of suture, and corsetage with various materials (including synthetic glue, polyglactin absorbable hemostatic mesh, and lyophilized human dura), is indicated in non-severe cases. however, the employment of non-absorbable synthetic mesh had not been previously reported. here, a case of a kt from cadaveric donor with rgr associated with acute rejection is reported. the graft was salvaged with the employment of a non-absorbable polypropylene mesh. six months after kt, the patient remains asymptomatic with normal renal function. to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of a non-absorbable polypropylene mesh to repair a rgr. in a setting in which economical restrictions are important, the use of non-absorbable synthetic mesh may represent a good option of treatment.
Principales aspectos clínicos y endoscópicos de la enfermedad degenerativa de la rodilla Main clinical and endoscopical aspects of the degenerative knee disease
José Ricardo Morasén Cuevas,Osvaldo Calisté Manzano,Luis Vergés Callard
MEDISAN , 2010,
Abstract: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 100 pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Reumatología del Hospital Provincial Docente "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba con el diagnóstico de artropatía degenerativa de la rodilla, durante el período 2003-2007, a fin de caracterizarles según los principales aspectos clínicos y endoscópicos de esta afección. Entre los principales resultados sobresalieron: los pacientes con más de 60 a os y el sexo femenino. La gonartrosis y la condromalacia constituyeron los hallazgos endoscópicos fundamentales y como opciones terapéuticas más empleadas, predominaron el legrado y el lavado articular. A descriptive and cross-sectional study with one-hundred patients having a diagnosis of degenerative knee arthropathy treated at the Rheumatology Service in ¨Saturnino Lora¨ University Hospital from Santiago de Cuba was carried out between 2003 and 2007 in order to characterize them according to the main clinical and endoscopical aspects of this disorder. Among the most important results, 60-year-old and over patients and female gender were relevant. Gonarthrosis and condromalacy constituted the main endoscopical findings while curettage and articular wash-out, being the therapeutical alternatives most used, were predominant.
Robustness surfaces of complex networks
Marc Manzano,Faryad Sahneh,Caterina Scoglio,Eusebi Calle,Jose Luis Marzo
Computer Science , 2014,
Abstract: Despite the robustness of complex networks has been extensively studied in the last decade, there still lacks a unifying framework able to embrace all the proposed metrics. In the literature there are two open issues related to this gap: (a) how to dimension several metrics to allow their summation and (b) how to weight each of the metrics. In this work we propose a solution for the two aforementioned problems by defining the $R^*$-value and introducing the concept of \emph{robustness surface} ($\Omega$). The rationale of our proposal is to make use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We firstly adjust to 1 the initial robustness of a network. Secondly, we find the most informative robustness metric under a specific failure scenario. Then, we repeat the process for several percentage of failures and different realizations of the failure process. Lastly, we join these values to form the robustness surface, which allows the visual assessment of network robustness variability. Results show that a network presents different robustness surfaces (i.e., dissimilar shapes) depending on the failure scenario and the set of metrics. In addition, the robustness surface allows the robustness of different networks to be compared.
Epigenetic mechanisms involved in melanoma pathogenesis and chemoresistance
Anna Martinez-Cardús,Jose Luis Manzano,Miguel Vizoso,Sebastian Moran
- , 2015, DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2015.06.20
Abstract: Melanoma is one of the solid tumors less epigenetically interrogated. However, huge efforts have been made in the last decade to improve the knowledge we had regarding this aggressive and multi-resistant tumor type. Clinical outcome of melanoma patients justifies this scientific involvement given the pronounce survival difference between localized and metastatic disease (98% and 16-62% 5-year survival, respectively) (1). In addition, approximately 15% of diagnostic melanomas are in fact benign lesions (false positive rate) and 17% of diagnostic benign lesions are malignant melanomas (false negative rate). Hence, this setting provided enough stimuli to derive resources to improve the clinical management and diagnosis of melanoma patients

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